My blog is dedicated to mostly Young Adult novels. I really enjoy reading any YA book genres so as not to limit myself. I will read good Non-Fiction if it's catchy and interesting. Fiction is my favorite, though.
I do have some favorite Adult Fiction authors that I like to throw in the mix once in a while. I AM a Librarian, after all.
When I really think a book was awesome, I love to tell the world about it. I really try to read a book even if it's slow starting, but if I don't get into it I will usually stop reading. Life is too short and there are too many books! I don't like to be mean in my reviews, as every reader is different. Something I don't like might be someone's cup of tea.
Please feel free to contact me to review a book if you are an author or publisher and have read my guidelines. I would also be happy to include giveaways on my blog.
Thanks for reading my review policy and visiting my blog!
Happy Reading,
Amy W.